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Athlete Date Sort Location Workout Name Description Results
Ian Mason 02/05/2013 CrossFit Eclipse hang power snatch hang power snatch at 70%
8 x 3 reps
95 lbs
Performed as RX
Ian Mason 02/05/2013 CrossFit Eclipse Randy 75 pound Power snatch, 75 reps for time. 8m 06s
Performed as RX
Ian Mason 09/11/2012 CrossFit Eclipse push press 3rm 5 sets of 3 reps of push press 125 lbs
Performed as RX
Ian Mason 09/11/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Breaking Bad 21-15-9 reps
front squat (135/95 lbs)
ring dips
9m 36s
Workout Scaled
Ian Mason 09/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Diane 21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups
9m 20s
Workout Scaled
Ian Mason 09/04/2012 CrossFit Eclipse power snatch 5 overhead squats emom for 12 minutes
1 power snatch 5 overhead squats
95 lbs
Performed as RX
Ian Mason 09/04/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Chest Bump amrap in 12 minutes
50 double unders
7 burpees

add 7 burpees after each round
2 rounds 150 reps
Workout Scaled
Ian Mason 08/26/2012 CrossFit Eclipse That thing you do 5 rope climbs
5 clean and jerks (165/115)
4 rope climbs
4 clean and jerks
3 rope climbs
3 clean and jerks
2 rope climbs
2 clean and jerks
1 rope climb
1 clean and jerk
19m 46s
Workout Scaled
Ian Mason 08/21/2012 CrossFit Eclipse None as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
10 x burpees
20 x front squats (75/55lbs)
30 x double unders
3 rounds 17 reps
Workout Scaled
Ian Mason 08/20/2012 CrossFit Eclipse shoulder press 1 rm 12 minutes to establish a 1 rm shoulder press 145 lbs
Performed as RX
Ian Mason 08/20/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Yellow Monster as many rounds as possible in 16 minutes
12 x power snatch (75/55)
10 x ring dips
8 x box jumps (24/20")
5 rounds 18 reps
Workout Scaled
Ian Mason 08/14/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Dr. No as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes
7 x push press (135/95)
10 x overhead squat (135/95)
15 x ghd situps/weighted sit ups
5 rounds 0 reps
Workout Scaled
Ian Mason 08/13/2012 CrossFit Eclipse None
for time:

10 x pistols (alternating each leg, 20 total)

20 x box jumps (24/20")

30 x knees to elbows

40 x hand release push ups

50 x jumping pull ups

40 x hand release push ups

30 x knees to elbows

20 x box jumps (24/20")

10 x pistols (alternating each leg, 20 total)
22m 39s
Workout Scaled
Ian Mason 08/08/2012 CrossFit Eclipse gimme a break 5 rounds
amrap in 2 minutes
3 power snatches (145/95)
9 burpees
rest one minute
7 rounds 3 reps
Workout Scaled
Ian Mason 08/07/2012 CrossFit Eclipse 5 rm shoulder press 12 minutes to establish a 5 rep max on shoulder press 125 lbs
Performed as RX
Ian Mason 08/07/2012 CrossFit Eclipse 3-2-1 contact! 3 minutes of max reps push jerk (135/95)
rest 2 minutes
2 minutes of max calories rowing
rest 1 minute
1 minute of max reps jumping lunges alternating legs
81 reps
Performed as RX
Ian Mason 07/16/2012 CrossFit Eclipse None 30 x hand release pushups
50x double unders
50 x dumbbell walking lunges (45/25lbs) each leg
50 x double unders
30 x toes to bar
50x double unders
30 x dumbbell ground to overhead (45/25lbs)

*you may clean and jerk or snatch the ground to overhead
24m 09s
Workout Scaled
Ian Mason 07/11/2012 CrossFit Eclipse None row 1km
50 burpees
run 1km
19m 07s
Performed as RX
Ian Mason 07/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse hang power clean 3 rm 12 minutes to find a new 3rm hang power clean 145 lbs
Performed as RX
Ian Mason 07/10/2012 CrossFit Eclipse None 5 rounds
5 muscle ups
20 wall balls (20/14lbs)
11m 07s
Workout Scaled
Ian Mason 07/09/2012 CrossFit Eclipse Wicked Good 3 rounds

as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes:

10 push press (115/75lbs)

10 kettlebell swings (55/35 lbs)

10 box jumps (24/20")

rest 3 between each round
5 rounds 0 reps
Performed as RX
Ian Mason 07/02/2012 CrossFit Eclipse extr life 2 Rounds5 Push Press (145/95)15 Pull Ups2 Rounds10 Push Press (125/85)10 C2B Pull Ups2 Rounds15 Push Press (95/65)5 Muscle Ups
* You are to only use one bar for this WOD. For men, use a 25, 15,
and 10 in that order for the first two rounds, then take the 10s off
for the next two rounds, then strip the 15s off for the final two
rounds to give you 95# (if going prescribed). For women, use a ladies
bar with a 15,10, and 5 in that order removing the plates in same order
as men.
18m 28s
Workout Scaled
Ian Mason 06/25/2012 CrossFit Eclipse None 5 rounds
21 deadlifts (225/155)
21 dumbbell push press (45/25)
row 250 meters
26m 15s
Workout Scaled
Ian Mason 06/19/2012 CrossFit Eclipse muscle snatch 1 rm 1 rm snatch find your 1 rm muscle snatch
work for a new 1rm snatch
125 lbs
Performed as RX
Ian Mason 06/19/2012 CrossFit Eclipse danger close as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes
3 rope climbs
6 overhead squats ( 135/95)
4 rounds 2 reps
Workout Scaled